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Goal-setting Tips & Meditation Audio

Mind Motivation Coaching
Goal-setting Tips & Meditation Audio

Happy New Year! How are your 2024 Goals and Resolutions progressing so far? I have noticed that people's inspiration tends to wane a few weeks after the initial excitement of goal-setting disappears :)

To achieve the goals of your dreams - make them as exciting and compelling as possible. 

Take time to brainstorm and write down the lifestyle and goals you want to manifest and attract in 2024. An excellent way to discover what really excites you is to look back at all your highlights in your photo library on your phone. Take note of EVERYTHING you have already achieved and experienced.

Relive the highlights and be aware of the lessons and learnings of the last year. Recreate that positive energy and fill your mind with gratitude for those amazing moments. As we know, 'like attracts like', radiate at the energy of happiness, success, and gratitude and that is what you will attract more of!

Write down all the inspiring reasons WHY you want to accomplish your goals.

Hold yourself accountable or find a like-minded accountability buddy to keep you on track.

Set a time and date for when you want to have attained your goal.

Take at least one small step or action per day that will move you toward the successful completion of your goal.

 I have created a powerful meditation to reignite your motivation and fast-track your results!

I have decided to GIFT you a very special audio -

Successful Goal-Setting & Achievement

As you listen it will:

Guide you on a discovery path to success and achievement.

Instal new positive and empowering beliefs to allow you to reach your goals.

Fire and wire new positive neural pathways and focus your mind on all the empowering actions to take.  

 All you need to do is download the audio and save it to listen. Please share it with anyone who might need some inspiration and motivation to create a fabulous 2024.

Check it out and let me know how you enjoy it :)

Rapid Transformational Therapy

If you are ready to release any negative and unhelpful thoughts, emotions, and habits, please enjoy a free consultation from Mind Motivation Coaching on Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT).

RTT Therapy incorporates Neuro Linguistic Programming, Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, and Hypnotherapy to deliver fast results. Through hypnosis, RTT can access the mind's subconscious to discover and change or reprogram certain beliefs acquired through the years that stop one's growth and peace of mind.

RTT can be applied in different aspects of one's life including self-confidence, healing from past trauma, quitting addictions, stopping unhealthy behaviours, and counteracting stress, low self-esteem, and lack of confidence.


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