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PERMA Model - Happiness Plan

Yay! I am so excited! I have just finished my Dip of Positive Psychology AND passed with DISTINCTION. I love learning and love sharing my fabulous findings with my awesome clients and followers.

One of the exercises in my course was creating a Happiness Plan using the awesome PERMA Model.

Positive Emotion





If you want more HAPPINESS in your life, and I’m sure we all need a bit of that right now :) Please put it into practice and enjoy the below. 

Happiness Plan

To create more Positive Emotion

Writing in your Gratitude Journal and focusing on all the things and people that you are grateful for and appreciate

Setting exciting goals and visualising them as if you have already achieved them

Listening to uplifting and joyful music

Focusing on all the good things already happening in your life

More Engagement in life

Doing things more regularly that you enjoy and can become absorbed in, e.g. drawing, painting, writing, learning new things – a foreign language, how to play a musical instrument, landscaping, interior decorating, photography

Spending time in nature, hiking in unique and beautiful landscapes

Living mindfully and living in the present moment, embracing the beauty of now

Engage and stimulate your mind by reading more diverse topics

Enhance Relationships

Focus on novelty, variety, and surprise - be playful and have more fun

Find out the love languages of your loved ones and show them love in their language

Look for and focus on all the positives of your loved ones

Join a class or group that is also interested in your hobbies or passions

Reach out to friends that you have not spoken to or connected with in a while

Create more Meaning in your life

Set an intention every morning of what your purpose is for the rest of the day and what you want to achieve

Focus on what really matters to you, and that gives you a sense of meaning and fulfilment 

Plan how you can use your passions and strengths to help others and make a positive difference

Be mindful of what is important in your daily life – health, happiness, relationships, creativity, success ...

Accomplishment of goals

Set compelling goals that are - specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound

Always celebrate your achievements, no matter how big or small, reward yourself in fun ways and take pride in yourself for mastering new skills

Always having a best-case scenario 'big picture' of your dream life to work towards 

Happiness Tools to incorporate more in your life daily:

Meditation and quiet solitude to create inner peace

Laughter, humour and fun – socialising and connecting with people

Make time to do at least one thing you love - mini-vacations!

Smile and put a smile on someone else’s face

Loving and empowering affirmations – being your own best friend and inner cheerleader!

Nurture acceptance and non-judgement of self and others

Let me know how you go and if you want more help in living your absolute BEST life, contact me and we can schedule a transformational session for you.

I'd love you to listen to this free 'taste' of just one of the AWESOME audios in my Supercharge Your Self-Love program.  Take a few moments now to experience a sneak peek of the Self-Love Affirmations Audio!

Click the button below to listen now!

  Self-Love Affirmations Audio


Included in this FABULOUS program:

- A one and a half hour Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)  Session

- An inspiring Supercharge your Self-Love & Healing the Inner Child eBook, full of tips and resources

- A Transformative Inner Child Healing Letter exercise to help you release and let go of any residual negative energy

- A powerful Self-Love Affirmation eBook to help you create an empowering daily practice to increase your feeling of being 'good enough, smart enough, capable enough and worthy enough

- Daily affirmation cards for you to print and keep or to gift to special friends and family. Share your new-found Self-Love!!

SEVEN incredible Hypnotic Audios:

- Releasing & Letting go Hypnotic Audio

- A Healing Transformational Hypnotic Audio

- Empowering Protective Shield Visualization

- Self-Love Affirmations Audio

- Self-Love Heart Chakra Meditation

- Morning and Evening Hypnotic Audios

Would you like to rediscover the belief you were born with - that you are worth and deserving of love and happiness!!

What would your life look like if you were living your most AMAZING life?

I have created these Transformational Programs to easily and effortlessly, help you to unlock the key to your most abundant and exciting life!

Learn how to finally let go of Procrastination and Overwhelm

Live a life of purpose that allows you to feel fulfilled and joyful - every day.

                                                       Yes! I want more Self-Love! 

Are you ready to start your journey towards more freedom, abundance, happiness, and success? 

"Myia is an amazing Hypnotherapist and transformational coach who helps people all over the world. I know that what you are doing is phenomenal, keep it up!" - Jack Canfield, Founder of the billion-dollar Chicken Soup for the Soul publishing empire.

As seen on ‘Talking about Success’ with Jack Canfield

Rapid Transformational Therapist

Modern Psychologist

Master Clinical Hypnotherapist

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapist

Dip. Positive Psychology

Dip. Inner Child Healing Therapy

Law of Attraction Expert

Master NLP & Success Coach

Author of the Gratitude & Success Journal

“Myia’s work is ROCKET FUEL for transforming clients!” - Patty Aubery, President of The Canfield Training Group


50% Complete

Two Step

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